About Us

Kmoving is a communication brand with a focus on strategic communication in sports events and many other areas.
We are a team of professionals with extensive experience in various fields of integrated marketing communications.
We share a passion for our work and a desire to create value with our clients.
We have never stopped over the years.
We have always kept moving, going forwards to explore new worlds and ways of communicating, creating fusions between different genres and new media that has helped us to grow, develop ideas and projects, and combine creativity with the the process to create genuine messages and reliable news.
Part of our job is to build relationships between companies and the right contacts, to accredit, position and develop those who consider and experience communication as an important strategic lever.
We believe in change as a form of movement and innovation that can revolutionize how we live and think.
We build relationships because we believe that people are a tremendous added value.
We work to establish dynamic communication models about valuable projects.
We teach people about sustainability. We do not consider this a challenge, but rather a choice that starts from brands and creates responsible actions in society.


Strategic consultancy

Starting from a detailed analysis of the relevant scenario and its needs, we outline a strategic plan based on specific storytelling which offers a vision, actions and communication tools that are effective and match the chosen lines of communication. Our consultancy also involves establishing work flows and methodologies for achieving the set goals in the established timeframes.

Media relations and press office

The world of information is constantly evolving. This is why every communication project needs to be based on in-depth research featuring different messages, targets and tools. The press office is one of them. We design effective media relations plans tailored to meet corporate or product goals. We work to accredit our clients at agency press teams, online and print newspapers, radio or TV and blogs. We use all the effective writing techniques available and the most appropriate keywords so that messages can be transformed into accredited news and successful case histories.

Digital e Social P.R.

We strive to position and develop our clients’ digital identity by creating cross-media plans and
tools that integrate activities and messages across all social media platforms to offer comprehensive
integrated marketing communications consultancy.

Crisis P.R. and Management Positioning

Starting from critical analysis and monitoring, we create communication plans to accredit relevant managerial staff. By taking action or following recovery plans, we work to position or restore the reputation of managers with the media and other relevant stakeholders.

CSR and Sustainability

Brands and companies are increasingly committed to environmental and social sustainability projects and plans. This work requires targeted communication that involves different target audiences, both within and outside these companies. We design communication plans and strategies for them in order to reach, educate and create consensus on value-based issues and to engage the relevant targets.

Editorial Products

We create magazines, house organs and dedicated editorial products, both in paper and digital formats, designed ad hoc for the communication needs of every client. The goal is to create a product that can keep moving between a wide range of communication channels, while maintaining the basic spirit behind the project. This spirit is conceived, designed and created ‘by hand’ following a ‘one-of-a-kind model’ philosophy for each individual partner.


Some projects

Cupra FIP Finals 2022


2022 Italian Polo Championship


89 CSIO Roma 2022 Master D'Inzeo

Equestrian Sports

Punta Ala Polo Cup 2022


Derby Remiero


Torneo Tennis Memorial Navarra


More clients